Taking a Quick Break From W&W 4 + Poll Results

Hey, Brandon here in theater mode today with your Weekly Update. Wax and Wayne 4 is, bing!, at 40% on the second draft. That’s not going to move this week because I am actually shifting gears to work on the third of the Skyward novellas that I’m doing with Janci Patterson. She got her draft done and sent it to me last night, so I am going to dig into that over the next week or so. We will be back to Wax and Wayne eventually, but for right now it’s going to sit at 40%.

I, as you might see, am in my theater. I actually recorded a couple of cool things for you. We’ve got a new Script Notes in the works. It might take a few weeks to get that one, or even longer, because the editing on those is something else. But I actually did a movie review, like a straight-up 5-minute movie review. Maybe we’ll be doing more of those from this theater. So that’s something to look forward to.

I wanted to give you an update on the poll we had the other week about t-shirts. The Doomslug t-shirt did win the poll. But the M-Bot, not the M-Drone, the M-Bot as a ship hugging a mushroom, that one was close enough that Kara, our Merchandising Manager, has decided she’s probably going to print that one too. So you’ll probably get both of those shirts coming up in the not-so-distant future.

Otherwise, there’s not a lot to relay, other than I am looking forward to digging in to the third and final of these Skyward novellas. If you haven’t been following along, those are going to start coming out in about a month or two. These are what’s happening with the team of Skyward Flight while Spensa is off doing her Spensa things in the third book, Cytonic. And so they’re kind of parallel to the third book, Cytonic, which is coming out in November. The goal is to get at least one of those novellas, maybe two, out before Cytonic comes out, and then one more right after.

Anyway, lots of exciting things going on here, and I will have another Weekly Update for you, presumably having finished work on that novella, next week. So thank you, guys, all for reading.

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