Launching Into the 2nd Draft of The Lost Metal + Cytoverse Update

Hey, everyone! Weekly Update time. Got a couple of cool things for you today.

The first is, I have launched into the second draft of Wax and Wayne 4. This is how I do things. I finished it and took one day to kind of catch up on email and stuff, and then right back into it. We are roughly 20% on Wax and Wayne 4 as of right now. You can follow along on my website, as always.

I will be stopping in a couple of days to work on a draft of the third of the three Skyward novellas I’m doing with Janci Patterson. Fun news here is that we have reached a preliminary agreement with my publisher of those books, meaning that we are going to still release eBook and audiobooks of those novellas in the coming months, but there will be a collection, a print one, in bookstores coming out some time, I assume, next year. If you’re a print book fan and you want to get these three novellas, I think they’re really sharp. Janci has done a fantastic job working with me on these. She’s a really great writer. I think that you’re really going to enjoy these.

And these are three novellas about other characters in Skyward. The first one is about FM. The second one is about Alanik. The third one’s about Jorgen. And it’s taking place between books 2 and 3 of Skyward. I think you guys will really like those. We’re planning the first one some time late September, early October. I’ll keep you up to date on that. But the fact that we have a deal with the publisher makes me pretty excited, because I was hoping we’d be able to do a print edition of those. Again, more updates to come as things happen. We haven’t actually signed the paperwork yet, though we agreed to the deal. So we’ll see how this all shakes out.

Otherwise, I am going to do that for about a week (work on the third of those novellas) and then I will be back on Wax and Wayne. Planning to finish mid-September somewhere, where I’ll turn my attention to Skyward 4. The goal is to end this year having Wax and Wayne wrapped up and Skyward wrapped up so I can turn all of my attention directly on Stormlight, because this will also be the last book of the first sequence of Stormlight.

So there we are. There’s our Weekly Update. I hope you guys enjoy getting these. Thank you so much for tuning in, and I’ll be back next week.

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