The Official Knights Radiant Order Quiz
The fate of Roshar hangs in the balance, and once again radiant spren seek to bond with humankind. The Knights Radiant must stand again!
Move the sliders toward the attributes you most identify with, and the quiz will sort you into the Order of Knights Radiant you would most likely belong to, along with the likelihoods of your belonging to the other Orders. This quiz will only take a few minutes.
- Heart on Sleeve 50% Poker Face50%
- Confident 50% Needs Reassurance50%
- Cautious 50% Daring50%
- Library 50% Dojo50%
- Wolf Pack 50% Lone Wolf50%
- Peacemaker 50% Firebrand50%
- Spiritual 50% Skeptical50%
- Leader 50% Facilitator50%
- Guard dog 50% Alley cat50%
- Compassionate 50% Dispassionate50%
- Heart 50% Head50%
- Flamboyant 50% Reserved50%
- Letter of the Law 50% Spirit of the Law50%
- Free-spirited 50% Disciplined50%
- Obedient 50% Rebellious50%
- Creative 50% Conventional50%
- Dependable 50% Flexible50%
- Down to Earth 50% Head in the Clouds50%
- Thinks Outside the Box 50% Colors Inside the Lines50%
- Tense 50% Relaxed50%
- Decisive 50% Indecisive50%
- Likes Change 50% Likes Stability50%
- Planner 50% Spontaneous50%
- End Justifies the Means 50% Honorable Actions50%
- Playful 50% Serious50%
- Tells the Truth 50% Bends the Truth50%
- Likes to take things apart 50% If it ain't broke, don't fix it50%
- Hotel 50% Camping50%
- Fencing 50% Boxing50%
- Artistic 50% Scientific50%
- Book Smart 50% Street Smart50%
- Paladin 50% Rogue50%
- Competitive 50% Casual50%
- Transparency 50% Need-to-Know50%