
My Picture Book Signing + Weekly Update
Sep 18, 2024
Summary Here's everything you need to know from this week's update: Brandon's non-Cosmere novella is...
Tress Cups Back In Stock + Weekly Update
Sep 04, 2024
Summary Hey all! Here's your TL;DR for this week's update: Brandon’s non-Cosmere novella for the...
Stormlight Mini Giveaway + Weekly Update
Aug 27, 2024
Summary Hey everyone! Here's your TL;DR for this week's update: Brandon is currently working on...
Signed Wind and Truth Weekly Update
Jun 04, 2024
Hey, everyone! Exciting week this week. All right? We are at, Bing! 95% after my...
Roshar Map restocked weekly update
May 28, 2024
Roshar Map Restocked + Weekly Update Hi, everyone! My name is Dan Wells, and this...
Special Announcement for Dragonsteel 2024 + Weekly Update
Apr 30, 2024
  Hey, Brandon here with your Weekly Update. I am back, kind of. I’m actually...