W&W 4 Is Done! + Way of Kings Prime Audiobook and T-Shirt Poll

Hey, Weekly Update time. It’s time for some celebrations because Wax and Wayne 4 is done, 100%. I finished it last Wednesday, which is last night to me but a few days ago to you. That book is moving on to second draft. I will be working on the second draft for a while. We will start up a new progress bar for that very soon. You can read on Reddit, which hopefully Producer Adam will link in the liner notes here, the longer update. But the short version is, I finished the book. It’s about 150,000 words. And I am moving on to some revisions on it. That will be my next project, is revisions on that.

I have a few other interesting things for you this week. First off, we are going to be releasing the audio version of Way of Kings Prime. If you remember in the Kickstarter that we did last year we released Way of Kings Prime, the first version of Way of Kings that I wrote back in 2002 that is significantly different than the modern version. I mean, when I did the modern version, the 2010 version, I just didn’t even take that old book, didn’t revise it. I just started from scratch with a completely new concepting on the idea. But Way of Kings Prime is a nice little relic from Brandon Sanderson’s history, and a lot of people have enjoyed reading that. And as part of the Kickstarter rewards tiers, we got a free audiobook of that, that we had Michael Kramer and Kate Reading do for us.

We finally found a way to release this. We got it in earlier in the year. We’ve been trying to figure out how to get it to you. We are going to try hosting it both on YouTube and on my website. So specifically the Dragonsteel Bookstore, the store version of my website, we think we have enough hosting there that you’ll be able to download it and get it there. Or if you just want to watch it—listen to it on YouTube, you’ll be able to do that. We’re going to do it sometime this week. We’re going to release that. And it might be a staggered release as we start getting them uploaded. We’ve never done anything quite like this before, so please forgive us as we try to figure out how to get that audiobook to you. But it will be for free. So look forward to that.

Be also aware, as I have warned many times of this, it is an old version of the book. Everything’s different. It is not cannon. It’s kind of weird. Even the character names are usually different.

The third thing is, we have a poll for you this week. The merch side of my team, Kara and the like, they are preparing to do a t-shirt for the upcoming release of Cytonic, the third Skyward novel. And they were wondering which of the three t-shirt designs that we are going to put on the screen right now for you would you prefer us to make?

The first is a reprint of the Doomslug t-shirt. This one is out of print. We’ve done some tweaking, changing some of the colors. It’s a slightly different shirt. That’s one of your options.

Another option is M-Bot hugging a mushroom. This is one of the stickers that we had made. It’s actually based on a design done by Isaac’s daughter, I believe. Is that correct? That Isaac souped up and made. It’s just M-Bot as a ship hugging a mushroom. So if you want that t-shirt, vote for that one.

And the third one is the M-Bot drone, we call him M-Drone. Through spoilery sorts of things in the books, we have a drone version of M-Bot, and this plays in a little bit more into Cytonic. You’ll get to see the M-Drone quite a bit in Cytonic. This is our third t-shirt option.

So which of these would you rather purchase and wear upon your body? Let us know in the poll that is attached to this.

And thank you so much everyone for watching and keeping up to date on these things. You can go read that thing on Mistborn 7, Wax and Wayne 4. Release date for that is probably November 2022, and I explain why in the Reddit post. I’ll be back next week to tell you how the revision process is going on that book. Thank you all.

Take the poll here:

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