W&W 4 Update + Leatherbound Poll Results

Hey, Brandon here for your Weekly Update. We are super thankful to you guys for filling out the poll last week regarding the leather bounds. It’s given us a lot of good direction. Today Isaac and I talked a lot about how, number one, we can get unsigned leather bounds in stock, and number two, how we can get a waiting list ready. That was a really good suggestion that many of you made that we probably should have figured out earlier. There are logistical reasons why it’s going to be somewhat difficult. We’re going to do our best to get a waiting list that you can sign up for that you’ll get emailed when new leather bounds are in stock, and that you’ll get first crack at them if you have signed up. I’m not sure how that’s going to work yet. But that’s for the signed leather bounds.

For the unsigned ones, we’re going to try to just keep those in stock all the time. It’ll probably take us maybe six months to get them in stock because it takes a while for the bindery to put them together and ship them to us. But theoretically we will eventually have perpetual stock of unsigned leather bounds in case you want to get them in case you’re wanting one and they’re out of stock.

Otherwise, how am I doing? Well, this was a pretty solid week for writing for me. Last week, again, I had to focus on, or I got to focus on, the novella Redawn that I’m working on with Janci for the Skyward universe. And that is great. I had a great time working on that novella. But it means I didn’t make much progress on Wax and Wayne. But this week I have made some very good progress. I’m a little bit ahead of schedule going into Friday. I record these usually on a Thursday. And it’s looking really good. We did pass 50%. We’re actually probably around 52% to 54%. We’ll see whatever number Adam decides to pop up on there. And that is going really well. I should be on target now for finishing that. First week of August is now my intention. I’m going to then jump into revisions on it, and then it’ll be time for Skyward book 4, which is the final book of that series.

Everything’s good around here. I am planning a trip to JordanCon. So if you’re interested in seeing me, I will be in Atlanta at JordanCon in the middle of July. You’ll have to look up when it is. They are capping attendance, so I don’t know how many tickets are left, or things like that. But that will be probably my only travel this year because of COVID and things like that. So the other chance you’ll be able to see me as well right here on YouTube, or at FanX in Salt Lake, which I will be most likely going to. I think we have said yes to that. So you can see me there.

Otherwise, thank you, guys, as always, and I will keep you up to date on how things are going.

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