Writing Excuses episode on story structure + Updates

This month’s Writing Excuses syllabus topic is story structure. In Where is my Story Coming From?, we talk about where the story starts for the writer.

The deadline for the 2015 Writing Excuses Retreat Scholarships is fast approaching. You can see the application details for the Carl Brandon Society Scholarship as well as the Out of Excuses Scholarship here. The application period for both scholarships ends at midnight (EST) March 14, 2015. Here is what each scholarship includes: Full tuition, a bed in a double-occupancy room, and up to $500 of travel expense to and from our departure port in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Last week, in Tor.com’s continuing reread posts for Words of Radiance, Alice Arneson waded through one of the filthiest sewers of the wickedest minds of Roshar. This week in Chapter 30, Carl Engle-Laird reads about all the pretty eels!

I had my assistant Adam update the Twitter post archive for February and March.

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