
New fan art + Updates
Jun 18, 2019
New fan art + Updates Reader Nate Kohl sent in these awesome photos of the...
More interviews from Germany + Updates
Jun 12, 2019
More interviews from Germany + Updates Adam here. A few weeks ago I posted about...
Brandon at FanX 2019 + Update
Apr 18, 2019
Brandon at FanX 2019 + Update Adam here. If you live in the Salt Lake...
Writing Excuses Workshop and Retreat 2019 + Weekly Update
Mar 06, 2019
Writing Excuses Workshop and Retreat 2019 + Weekly Update Adam here. If you’re interested in...
Tour with Harriet, Writing Excuses, Stormlight 2 video
Feb 05, 2019
In the most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode, Mary Robinette Kowal, Howard Tayler, Dan Wells,...
Worldcon Wrap-up and Dragon Awards
Aug 27, 2018
Worldcon Wrap-up and Dragon Awards I had an excellent time at Worldcon this year. We...