Steelhunt contest winners!

For those who were not aware, I ran some contests through Facebook and Twitter a few weeks ago. Winners receive a set of Epic stand-up die-cut cards, and all are collected below!

One contest was for people to tweet their favorite of David’s bad metaphors from Steelheart and Firefight. Here are the winners (selected randomly). You can find a bunch more at the #steelhunt hashtag on Twitter.

  • Kierstin Scharnitzke: “Megan’s eyes could have drilled holes through butter.”
  • Andrew Means: “Like a washing machine at a gun show.”
  • Holden R Johnson: “They looked so dangerous, like alligators. Really fast alligators wearing black. Ninja alligators.”
  • Tim Bunker: “An off balance washing machine filed with a hundred epileptic monkeys.”
  • Robert Fowler: “The bed as large as a really, really big piece of toast.”
  • Chase Wheatley: “I feel like a brick made of porridge.”
  • Midobal: “That’s an answer in the same way that ketchup can be hair gel.”
  • Lisa Roush: “Like a catapult that shoots enormous grapes.”
  • Hanna Mae: “I’ll be quiet as a buttered snail sneaking through a Frenchman’s kitchen.”
  • Roy: “The sensation felt like an unbalanced washing machine with a hundred epileptic chimpanzees.”

The next contest we did via Facebook was the easiest; all people had to do was share a link the events page on my website and say what event they were going to or wished they could go to.

  • Caitlin Schanaker
  • Jean Verney-Carron
  • Ross Newberry
  • Benny Junker
  • Brian Bowersox
  • Jeremy Guebert
  • Becca Horn
  • Heather Kirby
  • Sarah Casey

This next group of winners found out about this contest through my newsletter. So if you don’t want to miss out in the future, sign up here.

Grant Montoya

Becca Horn

Ross Newberry

Jeremy Guebert

Grant Wheeler

Jeff Wakefield

Gary Singer

Josh Mock

Karen Clarke

Mario Kadastik

The final contest was open to the readers of the Gollancz ediition (in the UK, Australia, or elsewhere)





@simpsonseattle – This guy is obviously in the US but we had an extra set so we’re sending it to him anyway.

Congratulations to all the winners! Check your Facebook messages or Twitter direct messages for info on how to get your prize.

There was also a separate Steelhunt fan art contest that was run by the Adonalsium Tumblr page. You can see the results of that here.

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