Wax & Wayne 4 Update + Warbreaker Giveaway

All right. Brandon here with your Weekly Update. We have two announcements coming this week that I can’t announce right now. One is on Wednesday and one is on Thursday. Watch our website. We’ll talk about it. One of them you’re expecting. It will not surprise you that much. One is going to be completely out of nowhere. It is not what you’re thinking. No, it’s not that thing either. It is completely out of nowhere. It’s really fun. And so on Thursday watch for a different sort of announcement from me.

Just wanted to also mention that we have a little giveaway going where we have a leather bound copy of Warbreaker that we’re going to give away. We’re shipping it anywhere worldwide that we can get it to you. If we can figure out how to ship it there, we will do so. It’s open to anyone. We are going to make the decision; we’re going to choose the person on Friday. It is open right now. All you have to do is you have to email contest@brandonsanderson.com.

You don’t have to even put anything in there. I won’t see these emails. They’ll go right to Adam. So don’t write anything in there that you want me to see. But he’s just going to pick a random email. He’s not going to read these emails. He’s just going to pick the people who send to that, one random person, and we will contact you and send you Warbreaker. This is to celebrate, again, 200,000 subscribers on YouTube, which is incredible. Thank you, guys all so much, and I hope that you win. I’m talking to you specifically, not those other people that are reading.

I have finished part one of Wax and Wayne 4. This is basically Act 1. I’m like 40,000 words into the book. Puts me, right now, at somewhere around 30%. I should hit a third of the way through the book this week at some point. We are moving along on that book just really well. I’m really excited. I’m really enjoying it. I really have no other updates for it than that other than things are going really well.

I am still working on getting some leather bound books signed and ready for the holidays. That’s what I was doing tonight, is I was signing copies of The Hero of Ages in leather bound. Theoretically, that will be coming along.

Those are our announcements. Still be sure to check out Dark One, the graphic novel which we released earlier this month. And otherwise, thank you, guys, as always, for keeping up to date on things. I will have other polls and questions for you in the future. But I don’t want to just come up with one. I want them to actually be relevant. When we have things like that, I will ask them. Perhaps next week I will ask you about the things that happened this week that you might have responses to. Anyway, see you guys next week.

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