Brandon here for our Weekly Update. Got some fun things to talk to you about today.

First thing is I should let you know Wax and Wayne still going pretty well. I just went over 20%. And by Monday, I’m going to guess I’m around 22%-23%, inching up on the quarter mark to that book being done. Everything’s going real well. I got a little less done this last week because I took some outlining time early in the week. But still I’m going to hit around 8,000 or 9,000 words as I still have Friday to write.

We also have a book release this week. We have the wide release on the Dark One graphic novel. If you’re not familiar with this, we did do a mini release last year. It was kind of a limited release. Now it’s going out to actual bookstores. There’s a Barnes & Noble exclusive edition, and there is the regular edition. It depends on which cover you like better.

The Barnes & Noble exclusive edition also has a map and poster included. You should be able to pick up a copy at Barnes & Nobles and anywhere books are sold. You can ask for it at your local comic shops. I don’t know however, if they’re going to—not all comic shops carry hardcover graphic novels—but a lot of them do nowadays, because the graphic novels are becoming such a big deal.

If you aren’t familiar with this one, this is basically my premise is a young man finds out that a fantasy world, kind of like Narnia-esque, has decided he’s their upcoming Dark One. And so he lives in our world and they’ve sent assassins through to kill him before he can become the Dark One and take over their world. That is available right now from Vault Comics and the excellent crew there. I really love the art for this. So I hope you guys will enjoy it. That comes out on the 18th, so Tuesday, so the day after this will go live.

Also some quick Kickstarter updates. If you are still waiting on your goodie bundle, we are about a third of the way through shipping those. It’s probably going to be a multi-month process to get them all out to you. But the first third are out and we’re continuing to do them. So if you’re waiting on yours, it should be coming within the next month or two.

Likewise, we are almost ready to ship out the 2021 leatherbound. In the past I was wrong about these shipping out. I hope I didn’t ever say it on the update. Because the printer has still been getting all of the slipcases ready. I thought that once we turned in the pages it would start, but they have to wait for the slipcases. Those are projected to come in in June, and they’re going to start shipping June 1st is our goal right now. And again, that will take multi-month, multi-month process. There’s, like, 15,000 of those.

As soon as they get them bound, a set of them bound with the slipcases done, they will ship off that group of them. And they’re just going to be going out probably by the thousands each week for the foreseeable future, starting on June 1st. I will let you know when that actually happens for sure. But if you’ve been waiting for yours, that’s when they should start going out.

Otherwise, things are going pretty well here in Dragonsteel HQ. I am writing away on Wax and Wayne, really enjoying the process of that book, and really looking forward to you guys being able to enjoy Dark One.

Thank you much. I will be back next week with an update on what’s happening in the Sanderverse.

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