Skyward 3 Update, New Socks + Kickstarter Update!

All right. Brandon here with our Weekly Update.
The third book of the Skyward series, I have finished the 4th draft and immediately started the next draft, last draft, the 5.0. And I’m about 30% through that draft. The goal is to turn that in the 31st of March, and so far, I’m on track with that. I need to do roughly 20,000 words a day, and it’s a 120,000-word book.
Other cool things. Way of Kings Prime, for those who did the Kickstarter, it is in stock. We have received it and we are beginning to ship the Way of Kings Prime and the Dawnshard hardcovers together to people. This is only in the states right now because internationally, the way we did shipping, is we’re going to put all the swag together. It’s almost here, but not yet. But that means you will start getting these in the mail. Kickstarter, our page there has more information.
What will be up for sale in our store, they wanted me to be very sure with you to tell you this is not a joke. But April 1st we are going to put up some leather bounds (not the leatherbound Way of Kings). I didn’t know this, but we have a few extras. Now that we have sent them all off and they are starting to need to ship from the bindery, so we actually need to send them now, because the bindery is almost ready to start shipping the 2021 level of leather bounds. We have a few more that we can sell. Those are going to go up on the store. Good luck.
We will hopefully have them in stock for Christmas this year. That’s one of our big goals. You can wait till then. But if you can’t wait till then, watch on the first. Don’t crash our website. It’s going to happen anyway. But those will be up for sale.
The store people wanted me to also let you know (this is all a marketing one. We’ll market less next time) we have socks in the store. We have these delightful Journey Before Destination socks. People have really liked our socks, and they are really nice socks. And we have Bridge Four with the Bridge Four symbol socks. I wear these a lot. They are with The Woven Pair. They do really nice socks. I actually think I’m wearing a pair right now of their socks. And so yeah, you can get those on the store.
And I wanted to ask you guys, what’s your favorite? Do you like the Journey Before Destination with the cool glyph designed by Isaac? Or do you like the Bridge Four blue socks with the Bridge Four patch on it? It says Bridge Four on the feet. Let us know in the comments.
Oh, by the way, last week, thank you, guys, for your feedback on the small edition of Mistborn: Secret History. It is almost assured that we will go forward with doing that, as well as doing eventually a leather bound of Arcanum Unbounded. So you’ll be able to choose which of the two you want. Your feedback was very helpful. We read through that, and we are proceeding and going to see if we can get that made.
Otherwise, I am still plowing through that third book. It is not going to be named Nowhere. You will find the title out eventually once the marketing people decide they want to let it out.
But, yeah, thank you guys, as always, for reading. Wax and Wayne will start April 1st, no joke, as I work on that. Thank you so much. I’ll be back next week with another update.