Skyward 3 is Done! + New Shirt and Kickstarter Update

Hey, Brandon here for our Weekly Update. This is a big one. Skyward 3 is done. Last night, I’m recording this on Thursday, these go up on Monday, so last night I turned in the book, the 5.0 edition of it finally. It was a lot of work to get this one ready. The book is finished, coming out sometime in November. We don’t have an actual release date yet, as far as I know. So cover reveal, title reveal, and release date reveal are upcoming, but it’s done.
That means that tomorrow, Friday as when I’m recording this, I start on Wax and Wayne book 4, which will be the final of the Wax and Wayne series of Era 2 of Mistborn. So we will start a progress bar, of pre-writing for Wax and Wayne. I anticipate spending around a week, maybe a week and a half, working on the outline for this. So next week’s update should get us pretty close to being done. We’ll see how long it takes me to get that outline ready. And I’m excited to do this. I should be writing on it for three to four months, followed by three to four months of revisions.
The store wanted me to mention, thank you, guys, for your enthusiasm about the socks. This is our new t-shirt. This is the Cosmere symbol, the futuristic Stormlight symbol, isn’t it? Yeah. Simplified. We call it futuristic. We want to have a future era one, kind of a space-age era one. So this is the new Stormlight symbol. It’s not replacing the other one. It’s just the simplified/space age, space era Stormlight. We had requests for this, so we put it up. It looks like it glows in the dark, but I don’t think it actually does. I went in the dark to double-check. It is not a glow-in-the-dark shirt, but it is awesome.
Kickstarter updates, we have the coins. The coins have finally arrived. This is the second-to-last thing we were waiting for. They are all ready. We’re just waiting on the playing cards. As soon as those come, we’ll start shipping all of this swag to you. They look fantastic. They came together. Still not going to show you what the Wit coin looks like on the back. That one is a mystery and a secret. But yeah, I love these. I’m holding the Windrunner, Jezrien, or Yeazrien if you wish.
If you guys didn’t get to take the quiz that we came up with that sorts you into an order, let us know in the YouTube comments what order you guys would be in. And I hope to be able to get you these coins very soon. If you didn’t do the Kickstarter, I don’t know when or if these coins will be up for sale. That is not something we’re sure on. We’re just focusing on getting everyone their Kickstarter stuff as soon as possible.
Again, thank you guys so much. Skyward 3 is done. And we are looking forward to, I’m looking forward to giving you some updates on Wax and Wayne. See you next week.