SandoWriMo + Weekly Update

Hello, and welcome to Weekly Update. I am still in costume. If you are wondering why, then go watch the livestream from last Saturday, the VOD of it. You can see me in full costume. I’ve taken off the wig, which is why we’ve got some weird stuff up on my forehead here. You can go see me open fan mail in my costume from the video game Hades.

I just wanted to record a quick Weekly Update for you after the fact here. I have finished the pre-writing for Defiant and will be starting it on Monday. And what’s cool is I’ve decided that this year I’m going to do National Novel Writing Month. It just kind of lined up. It’s part of why I delayed a little bit in getting that to 100%. Bing! And I wanted to launch into the book on Monday, and I thought that would be really fun. If you aren’t familiar with National Novel Writing Month, it’s where people try to write 50,000 words in a month. I used to do it a lot before I got published.

Why don’t I do it a lot now? Well, often the stars don’t align for me to start a new book starting on November 1st. And even more often I’m in revisions or something for some reason in November. But this year I’m starting a new book, and so we are actually, we’re going to do SandoWriMo instead of NaNoWriMo. I’m going to be posting my word count to r/Sanderson. Actually, Producer Adam is going to be doing that. I’ll text them to him and he will post them around. And we’ll use it as a, as I’ve been saying, kind of like a pace car, where you can kind of watch my progress. If you want to join in, post your own word count, talk about the book you’re writing, or things like that, we’ll have a thread probably about four times a week where we post my word counts.

And I think various members of my company are going to join in. I know Isaac, who is working on a project, he’s my art director, is probably going to be posting his word counts. Kathy said that she would, who is, she is our director of facilities over here. So we shall see if anyone else joins in. You’ll be able to follow us along and see our kind of daily and running total word count. And I’ll be working on Defiant, so you’ll be able to kind of watch it along.

The next Weekly Update you get from me, I will be in Hawaii a week from today. So you might get some Weekly Updates of me floating in the ocean. We’ll see. But either way, thank you, guys, so much. That’s really our only update, other than the fact that ReDawn is out, the second of the three novellas in the Skyward universe that I did with Janci Patterson. If you haven’t given it a look, I would really appreciate you checking it out, it and Sunreach, the first of those. And we are pushing toward Cytonic coming out now in under a month, just a couple of weeks away. Right when I get back from Hawaii, we will launch into the book coming out with Dragonsteel Mini-Con, and things like that.

But anyway, thanks for following us along on this journey, and I will be back next week, hopefully with an update saying how far into Defiant I have gotten.

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