ReDawn Out Tomorrow! + Livestream This Saturday!

Brandon here with your Weekly Update. I’m about 80% of the way through the things I need to get done in order to start the new Skyward book. I anticipate I’m going to get to it pretty soon here.

The goal is still to have that one done by January 1st. We’ll see how it goes. I’m down to about two months on that, which is doable. There’s just a lot of things that I needed to get ready before I could launch into it. Getting really close.

I also wanted to mention to you the second of the novellas is coming out tomorrow. When we sold these to Random House, it was really important to me and to Janci that we get two of them out before the novel Cytonic, the third book, launched. It just feels right in momentum of things. Like I’ve told you before, if you don’t end up reading these until after Cytonic is out, that is OK. It’s not going to totally ruin things for you. But the ideal pacing is novella 1, novella 2, and then Cytonic. And the publisher really wanted to release them, wait and release them all at once later on, and we wanted these out before Cytonic. We pushed very hard. And so if you enjoy getting them earlier rather than later, let me know. And also, I’m hoping that you’re willing to support this second novella because the publisher’s really, really worried that people will buy the first and then forget the second is coming out. And I think these novellas get progressively better. So I think you’re going to enjoy it. This is the novella starring Alanik and her alien perspective on Skyward Flight, and I think you’re really, really going to enjoy it. That’s out tomorrow.

Last thing that I want to bring up, pretty short one this week. I’ll be doing a livestream on Saturday. We changed it from a different day onto Saturday for Halloween. I will be in costume. My wife will be here theoretically in costume as well. And we are going to be opening fan mail. And so if you want to see us open all the various things people have been sending me across the last year, then you can come watch that livestream. It’s going to be during the day from 3:00 to 5:00. And so come for your Halloween viewing pleasure. Watch me open random things and answer question from fans. And if you, indeed, ever want to send me fan mail, we tend to save it up for these special livestreams. That’s the goal that we’ll be doing it this way in the future. We have the address for you right now either on the screen or in the liner notes, probably both.

I’ll be back then and see you in a week with another Weekly Update. Thank you so much.

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