Moiraine vs. Kelsier, Gen Con Indy, Interview + Updates

If you missed it on Twitter or Facebook, here’s the link to my Suvudu Cage Match writeup of Moiraine vs. Kelsier. Don’t expect an epic battle. I don’t have the time to spare to write something like that in this case. Instead, I played it very tongue-in-cheek. I flipped a coin to decide who won, then wrote something that made it seem logical. Warning: it not only contains huge spoilers for both series, but a lot of Wheel of Time and Mistborn in-jokes. If you disagree with the results of my coin flip, feel free to vote however you wish in the cage match poll.

This week’s episode of Writing Excuses features Mary, Howard, and I talking about Man vs. Nature. If you’re as confused about that as Howard was, it’s one of the basic narrative conflict archetypes (along with Man vs. Man and Man vs. Self). Check it out.

There’s also a new ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotation up. This one covers chapter six.

Samuel Montgomery-Blinn of Bull Spec interviewed me for Audible SF/F about audiobooks.

Gen Con Indy has announced that I’m their Author Guest of Honor this August. For my full convention schedule this year, see here.

This is the last week to vote on the long list for the David Gemmell Legend Award (the poll closes March 31st). THE ALLOY OF LAW has been nominated, but you should vote for the book you want to win, of course.

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