
Wheel of Time anniversary and Award Season 2020
Jan 16, 2020
Wheel of Time anniversary and Award Season 2020 Hey, all. This week marks the 30th...
State of the Sanderson 2018
Dec 18, 2018
Robert Jordan Tenth Year Commemoration
Sep 16, 2017
Robert Jordan Tenth Year Commemoration It’s been ten years since Robert Jordan died. In some...
Writing Excuses, Signed Books & Updates
Jun 06, 2016
Writing Excuses, Signed Books & Updates Just a quick update before the weekend. On Monday...
The Wheel of Time Companion and Mystic
Nov 04, 2015
The Wheel of Time Companion and Mystic Hey, all. I’m back from tour at long...
Words of Radiance & Awards + Updates
Jun 02, 2015
Words of Radiance has made it past the first round of voting for the 2015...