Writing Excuses catch-up & Updates

Writing Excuses has put up a couple of episodes that I haven’t mentioned yet. There’s an episode on dystopian fiction featuring Cherie Priest, one on publishing featuring Subterranean Press’s publisher Bill Schafer, and a Q&A session from our Out of Excuses writing retreat talking about these questions:

  • How have your opinions on self-publishing changed in the last few years?
  • What did you find difficult early in your career? How did you address this?
  • What do you now find difficult? How do you address it?
  • Do you put Easter Eggs in your work that only your friends recognize?
  • How much do questions/comments from readers influence you?

I’m still working on my “What I learned from writing the Wheel of Time” post that I mentioned the other day. It’s getting really long, so I’ll most likely split it up across multiple posts. Also, my assistant has put up another Twitter posts archive; this one includes the Hugo Awards ceremony and the #AskBrandon chat I did last month.

This week I’ll be signing books in Portland, Los Angeles, and the Bay Area. For full details, see my events calendar. Hope to see many of you there! And if you want me to send you an email reminder when I’m signing near you, tell me your city here.

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