White Sand Omnibus News + Weekly Update

Hey, Brandon here with your Weekly Update. I spent this week working hard on the new Wax and Wayne novel, going through a pretty significant revision using beta reader comments and my comments from my editor. So I did about—I’m about a third of the way through that book, counting what I did the previous weeks, though I had to take a week off to work on Wheel of Time scripts, as I mentioned last week. But we’ll go, bing! 33%, 50,000 words. I’ve got about 100,000 words left to do in this one, which I’m going to try to push through at about a third a week, 50,000 a week. We’ll see if I maintain that. You can watch and keep up as I try to do so.

A few other things to update you on. I will be doing a few panels at Life, the Universe, and Everything, the local science fiction convention here in Utah Valley. Students can go to all three days for 15 bucks. I’ll be doing, I think, maybe a reading? I’m not 100% sure. I do know that I will be on a panel with Dan, and we’ll be talking about random things. It might be Intentionally Blank. It might be Writing Excuses. It might be just Dan and Brandon chatting. I’ll only be there one of the days, on the Saturday, but I thought I’d let you know about that.

The other thing is the White Sand preorder for the omnibus of the graphic novel is going on right now. We’re doing it through @Indiegogo. And because all the kind of nicer signed slipcase editions sold out, they’re going to be adding an unsigned slipcase edition as well, in case you wanted one of those but couldn’t get one because they went really fast. They won’t be signed because my plate is full because I have to be signing the new Wax and Wayne leatherbounds, which are coming out this Christmastime, and after that Words of Radiance for the Kickstarter next—not this summer but the following year summer. I have 40,000 of those to sign. So I will be very, very busy and there’s not time to slide in White Sand between those things.

Last thing that Adam wanted me to let you know is we’ve got a bunch of monthly deals. The links are in the descriptions. These come up periodically. Like Emperor’s Soul is going for $1.50 on Amazon right now in the US. And in Australia we’ve got a deal going on Dawnshard. UK has Skyward and Steelheart. So we’ll link those down below. But we periodically have these opportunities, and so we always take them. We like to keep you up to date on when things are on sale.

So anyway, thanks for watching, as always. I’ll be back next week where hopefully we will be past halfway on Wax and Wayne 4.

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