The Rithmatist ebook sale + Updates

Awesome news everyone! The Rithmatist ebook is on sale (at least in the U.S.) TODAY ONLY at $2.99 on most platforms (Nook users get a slightly better deal at $1.99). It’s being discounted in a few other regions as well (check your local region for pricing using the links to the right). For those of you who have enjoyed my other books, but have been on the fence about trying out this one, it’s a great opportunity to check this book out.

I enjoyed seeing many of my readers (over 500) at my most recent signing in Idaho Falls. I know that the holiday season is a tough time to try and squeeze in attending a signing, and I appreciate everyone who took the time to come say hi. For those who couldn’t come, don’t worry, reading my books is the greatest compliment you can give me. But if you wanted a signed book, I left a huge stack of books at the Barnes & Noble in the Grand Teton Mall. The wonderful staff (Kaaren and Melissa Thank you!) have told me that they won’t last long.

In this week’s episode of Writing Excuses, Project in Depth, The Devil’s Only Friend, We’ll be discussing the latest John Cleaver book from Dan Wells with author, podcaster, and unrepentant bacon-lover Dan Wells! If you haven’t read it, and you want to be surprised by it, stop listening and grab a copy now! If you have read it, we apologize on Dan’s behalf for any emotional scarring you may have experienced. Now give the episode a listen, and learn how Dan managed to do that to you.

My assistant Adam is working on updating the Twitter post archive for November.

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