The Lost Metal Weekly Update

Hey! Brandon here with your Weekly Update. Not a whole lot to talk about this week, just I’ve been plugging away at Wax and Wayne 4, The Lost Metal. I am, bing!, right at 70%, and I am ready for the home stretch to finish this thing off. I’m very pleased with the book but there’s still a lot to do. I’m going to have to do this revision, and then there’s going to be one more that’s the final polish once this goes to the line editor. So we’re not quite done with this book yet, but this is the hard revision. So I am glad to be working my way through that, and I plan to finish that very soon and then launch into the new Stormlight book as my next big project.

Somewhere in here I’m going to have to do some revisions on Skyward 4, but we’ll see when I manage to do that. I think that I need to be doing Stormlight. So keep an eye on this channel. We’re going to have—as I launch into it, I’ll be showing you things. We actually have some concept art for Stormlight 5 that I’ll start showing off as I start working on the book. So that’ll be fun.

As always, thank you, guys, so much for reading my books and following this channel.

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