
Fantasy Magazine interview with Leigh Butler + Updates
Sep 26, 2011
Leigh Butler interviewed me for Fantasy Magazine. The interview talks about THE ALLOY OF LAW,...
Mistborn Fan Trailer + Updates
Sep 19, 2011
Mistborn Fan Trailer + Updates There’s a new chapter of my unfinished 2001 novel MYTHWALKER...
THE ALLOY OF LAW giveaways & ebooks + updates
Sep 12, 2011
THE ALLOY OF LAW giveaways & ebooks + updates This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode...
Updates + ALCATRAZ ebooks in French
Sep 06, 2011
Updates + ALCATRAZ ebooks in French At the World Science Fiction Convention in Reno a...
Reddit IAmA, Signed THE WAY OF KINGS + Updates
Aug 31, 2011
Reddit IAmA, Signed THE WAY OF KINGS + Updates This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode...
Forum move, ALLOY preview, Worldcon costumes + Updates
Aug 24, 2011
Forum move, ALLOY preview, Worldcon costumes + Updates The site that has hosted my forums...