
More interviews from Germany + Updates
Jun 12, 2019
More interviews from Germany + Updates Adam here. A few weeks ago I posted about...
Calamity Is Done!
May 29, 2019
Calamity Is Done! I have finished the second draft of Calamity, the third and final...
Brandon at FanX 2019 + Update
Apr 18, 2019
Brandon at FanX 2019 + Update Adam here. If you live in the Salt Lake...
Hugo nominations closing tonight + Updates
Mar 14, 2019
Hugo nominations closing tonight + Updates Adam here. Nominations for the 2019 Hugo Awards close...
Writing Excuses Workshop and Retreat 2019 + Weekly Update
Mar 06, 2019
Writing Excuses Workshop and Retreat 2019 + Weekly Update Adam here. If you’re interested in...
Hero of Ages leatherbound, Children of the Nameless AMA + Updates
Dec 30, 2018
Hero of Ages leatherbound, Children of the Nameless AMA + Updates Adam here. I want...