Brandon at FanX 2019 + Update

Adam here. If you live in the Salt Lake City vicinity, or you don’t mind traveling, Brandon will be at FanX 2019 this weekend. You can see his schedule for FanX below, as well as on his Upcoming Events page which also shows all his future events.

Friday, April 19th

Strange New Worlds: Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction
Time: 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Location: Room 250A
With: Eric Flint, Jonathan Maberry, James Owen, Brandon Sanderson, Larry Correia, Erin Summerill, Dan Wells (moderator), Tyler Whitesides

World Building 101: Creating the History of Your World
Time: 5:00-5:30 p.m.
Location: Convention Stage – Exhibit Hall 1831
With: Brandon Sanderson, Michael Haspil, M. K. Hutchins, Brian McClellan

Time: 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Location: 151A

Saturday, April 20th

Writers of the Future: Story Prompts, Short Fiction & Winning the Contest
Time: 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Location: Room 151D
With: Eric Flint, Brandon Sanderson, Robert J. Defendi, David Farland, John Goodwin, Scott Parkin, Darci Stone, Eric James Stone

The Brandon & Brandon Show: Spotlight on Brandon Sanderson and Brandon Mull
Time: 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Location: Grand Ballroom
With: Brandon Sanderson, Brandon Mull, Dan Wells

Time: 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Location: 151A

In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, Technology, Brandon, Dan, Howard, and Mahtab talk about talk about science and technology in that same way as they have worldbuilding. This has been a staple (perhaps the defining staple) of science fiction since before “science fiction” was a word.

At risk of opening the “where do you get your ideas” can of worms, this episode covers a little bit of where they get their ideas, and where you might get—and subsequently develop—some more of yours.

Last week, in’s continuing reread of Oathbringer, Kaladin, having joined the Wall Guard, walks the patrol beat inside the wall with Lieutenant Noro’s squad. He mostly enjoys the banter, obtaining new perspectives on how other people view the social stratification of their society, then helps guard a supply wagon until they turn it over to Velelant’s soldiers. They return to the barracks, then are sent up to the top of the Wall for duty after a short break. As Kaladin arrives, a group of Fused attack the Wall, but in a different location, apparently continuing to test the defenses. Kaladin is reminded in multiple ways that he has neither responsibility nor authority in this setting. This week, in chapter seventy-four, Shallan, as Veil, checks in with her regular poor-folk contacts, but is frustrated that she can’t do more. Encountering a parade of cultists, she creates a new Illusion and “becomes” a very convincing spren, but nearly loses herself to whatever is influencing the cult. Shocked, she tells the cultists to quit playing at being spren and go home to their families; she herself returns to the tailor’s shop for the night. Elhokar is in the kitchen, writing up lists of possible troops and contemplating heroism; Shallan does an idealized drawing of him before going to her room. Ishnah awaits her there, with a note inviting her to join the revel.

In honor of the recent trailer drop of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, today’s featured cosplay of Szeth (which also features on of my favorite characters from all of science fiction) is from Brandon’s recent trip to Planet Comicon in Kansas City.

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