
Apr 04, 2013
WITHOUT A SUMMER + Updates This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode is called “Fake It...
Podcasts, STEELHEART & THE RITHMATIST Covers, Writing Video
Mar 27, 2013
Podcasts, STEELHEART & THE RITHMATIST Covers, Writing Video A couple new podcast episodes for you....
Stormlight writing video & music + Updates
Feb 18, 2013
Stormlight writing video & music + Updates The most recent podcast episode of Writing Excuses...
YA Novels + AMoL 8:00 Q&A Map + Updates
Jan 07, 2013
YA Novels + AMoL 8:00 Q&A Map + Updates Entertainment Weekly has an exclusive cover...
THE RITHMATIST Cover Art + Updates
Sep 25, 2012
THE RITHMATIST Cover Art + Updates I sent out a newsletter over the last couple...
Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for September 2012
Sep 23, 2012
Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for September 2012 In this newsletter: Introduction Brandon’s new novella, Legion, is...