Stormlight writing video & music + Updates

The most recent podcast episode of Writing Excuses features Dan’s brother Robison Wells talking with us about cliffhangers and icebergs—when it’s a good idea to leave people in the dark, and when it’s a bad idea. Check it out.

My assistant Peter has uploaded another Twitter posts archive. This one doesn’t have as many spoilers as the previous two, but there are still spoilers for A MEMORY OF LIGHT, so stay away from it if you haven’t finished the book yet.

Some readers have been asking if my book signings are spoiler-free. In general, yes. Spoilers are not allowed during the public Q&A part of the signing. However, I do allow people to ask spoiler questions when they make it up to the table to get their books signed. So if you haven’t finished the book, don’t listen in too closely to other people’s conversations. 🙂

This is my last week on the A MEMORY OF LIGHT tour, and I’ll visit the following cities:

Monday: Baltimore
Tuesday: Philadelphia
Wednesday: Raleigh
Thursday: Atlanta
Friday: Birmingham

Harriet will be at all of the events as well, and audiobook narrators Michael Kramer and Kate Reading will be with us at the Baltimore signing. Details are on my events page.

I’ll also have at least two more book tours later this year. In May we’ll have the THE RITHMATIST tour, and right now it looks like most of the cities I’ll hit will be different from the ones that were on the AMoL tour. Details to follow.

In the fourth of my Stormlight Archive volume two writing videos, two of the included songs are the actual songs I listened to while writing. I’ve been able to include them in the video thanks to the artists, Ray Lynch and Incendio. This might help you feel even more like you’re looking over my shoulder while I write.

“Her Knees Deep in Your Mind” by Ray Lynch. © © Ray Lynch Productions/BMI/1994

Music can be found on his website, Facebook, Amazon, and iTunes.

Incendio, “Temple of the Sun” © 2003 Incendio Music

Music can be found on Facebook, Amazon, and iTunes.

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