
Updates, THE WAY OF KINGS ARC Giveaway, Tour
Jun 28, 2010
Updates, THE WAY OF KINGS ARC Giveaway, Tour In the most recent Writing Excuses podcast...
Special prices on signed WARBREAKER & Mistborn trilogy, plus Grammar Girl Giveaway & Updates
Jun 21, 2010
Special prices on signed WARBREAKER & Mistborn trilogy, plus Grammar Girl Giveaway & Updates As...
Breaking into the YA Market & MISTBORN 3 Annotations
Jun 14, 2010
Breaking into the YA Market & MISTBORN 3 Annotations In this week’s Writing Excuses podcast,...
Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship applications, updates
Jun 07, 2010
Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship applications, updates The folks over at let me know that...
Superstars Writing Seminar sessions now available
May 24, 2010
A couple of months ago I was one of the presenters at the Superstars writing...
Catching Up on Updates
May 03, 2010
Catching Up on Updates Brandon’s assistant Peter here. He’s hard at work on TOWERS OF...