
Aug 23, 2010
TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT Is Done First let me get to some quick updates. I’ve put...
Writing for Charity + Updates
Aug 10, 2010
Writing for Charity + Updates On August 21st there will be a writing workshop in...
THE WAY OF KINGS Preview Chapters & Contests + Updates
Aug 03, 2010
THE WAY OF KINGS Preview Chapters & Contests + Updates THE WAY OF KINGS will...
Updates, Tightening Language, and Suvudu Interview
Jul 27, 2010
Updates, Tightening Language, and Suvudu Interview At Comic-Con this past weekend I did an interview...
ARCs of THE WAY OF KINGS for Reviewers, Booksellers, and Librarians
Jul 19, 2010
First the regular updates. In this week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode, Dan, Howard, and I...
Updates + More THE WAY OF KINGS Previews
Jul 12, 2010
Updates + More THE WAY OF KINGS Previews The most recent Writing Excuses podcast episodes...