
Mistborn Deleted Scene #6
Aug 09, 2007
Mistborn Deleted Scene #6 Since we had such a long outage last week, I figured...
Mistborn Deleted Scene #5
Aug 08, 2007
Mistborn Deleted Scene #5 As requested, today I’ll post some more deleted scenes from Mistborn:...
Final Empire Prime Vin Scene
Jul 30, 2007
Final Empire Prime Vin Scene If you’ve been following the process, then you’ll remember that...
Mistborn Deleted Scene #4
Jul 26, 2007
Mistborn Deleted Scene #4 I’d almost forgotten about this one. The first time I tried...
Mistborn Deleted Scene #3
Jul 20, 2007
Mistborn Deleted Scene #3 This is the 3.0 version of the chapter, the last one...
Mistborn Deleted Scene #2
Jul 18, 2007
Mistborn Deleted Scene #2 Okay, keeping in line with the next month or so being...