
Warbreaker Prime: Mythwalker Chapter Two
Sep 02, 2013
Warbreaker Prime: Mythwalker Chapter Two The following is a draft chapter of Brandon’s unfinished novel...
Warbreaker Prime: Mythwalker Chapter One
Sep 02, 2013
Warbreaker Prime: Mythwalker Chapter One The following is a draft chapter of Brandon’s unfinished novel...
Warbreaker Prime: Mythwalker Prologue
Sep 02, 2013
You’ve seen this story before. It began with a young hero, an unknown peasant boy...
The Way of Kings Prime: Jeksonsonvallano
Sep 02, 2013
The Way of Kings Prime: Jeksonsonvallano One of the big differences between the 2003 version...
Mistborn 2 Alternate Ending Part Two
Sep 02, 2013
Mistborn 2 Alternate Ending Part Two This is the second half of the alternate ending....
Mistborn 2 Alternate Ending
Sep 02, 2013
Mistborn 2 Alternate Ending Mistborn: The Well of Ascension Alternate Ending Disclaimer Well, first off...