
June Is (was) Audiobook Month
Jun 30, 2010
Well, here it is the last day of June and I haven’t mentioned audiobooks at...
Gemmel Nominations, Audible Tournament, Suvudu Cage Match + Updates
Apr 05, 2010
Gemmel Nominations, Audible Tournament, Suvudu Cage Match + Updates Though there’s a lot of ground...
KINGS final draft, THE GATHERING STORM in Audible’s tournament+Updates
Mar 29, 2010
KINGS final draft, THE GATHERING STORM in Audible’s tournament+Updates I mentioned on Twitter and Facebook...
Signing Tonight in LA, ALCATRAZ Audiobook Sale + Updates
Mar 22, 2010
Signing Tonight in LA, ALCATRAZ Audiobook Sale + Updates I’m signing tonight at the Woodland...
Updates, Audies, Vote for the David Gemmell Legend Award!
Feb 22, 2010
Updates, Audies, Vote for the David Gemmell Legend Award! In the most recent MISTBORN 3...