Signing Tonight in LA, ALCATRAZ Audiobook Sale + Updates

I’m signing tonight at the Woodland Hills Barnes & Noble on Topanga Canyon at 7:00. Details are on my events page. See you there!

A reader of mine, Chuck Doyle, mentioned on my Facebook page the other day that Audible is selling my middle-grade fantasy ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS in their Win-Win sale (which ends Tuesday morning) for only $4.95 (along with 99 other audiobooks at that price). If you like audiobooks, check it out. I’m not sure whether people who only have a trial membership can get that pricing or not.

In this week’s Writing Excuses podcast, Dan, Howard, and I try something a bit different—a brainstorming exercise that you are free to use on your own for fun and profit. Producer Jordo reads quirky news headlines to us, and we brainstorm them into plot, setting, and/or character ideas. Ideas for writing can come from all sorts of places; give this one a try.

Finally, the most recent MISTBORN 3 annotations discuss Dinosaur Comics (yes, really) and Vin’s plan to deceive Ruin. Check them out.

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