Sydney Signing + Updates

This week’s Writing Excuses continues our discussion of Mary Robinette Kowal’s outline of a middle-grade novel she planned back in 2003. At twenty-five minutes it’s a lot longer than our typical episode, but if you’re wondering about outlining, a listen will be worth your while.

My assistant has put up another of my annotations for ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS. This one covers chapter nine, when the talking dinosaurs show up.

He also put up another Twitter posts collection. If you’re in Sydney and aren’t following me on Twitter or Facebook, you missed my announcement about a Tuesday night Magic draft at my hotel. Should be fun.

A reminder that I’ll be signing in Sydney on Wednesday night. Details are below. I’ll also be in Gold Coast for Supanova this weekend; I’ll post my schedule later this week.

Dendy Opera Quays, Sydney, Australia

Date: 04.18.12 Time: 6:30 pm-9:30 pm
Place: Dendy Cinemas Opera Quays
Address: Shop 9
2 East Circular Quay
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Phone: (02) 9956 6771
Type: Presentation/Signing
Notes: Event organized by Dymocks North Sydney. Includes a talk, reading, and Q&A. There is a $20 entry fee; call Dymocks at the number above for more details.

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