StoryBundle contests + Miscellaneous Updates

The SciFi ebook StoryBundle with my novella Legion is available only until Wednesday night, so the clock is ticking. I’m running three giveaway contests (ending very soon!) where you can win the DRM-free ebook bundle: One on Twitter, one on Facebook, and one on Google+. The rules for each are slightly different, so check out the posts and share them! Note that Legion is not available in the bundle if you’re in the UK/Commonwealth (except for Canada).

Later this year Subterranean Press will be releasing a limited edition hardcover of Legion‘s sequel, Legion: Skin Deep, which you can preorder here and read a preview of here. If you haven’t read the original Legion, this bundle is a great way to whet your appetite and get ready for the sequel.

Writing Excuses has aired a couple of episodes that I haven’t talked about yet:

Before listening to that most recent episode, it’s most useful to read the first draft of my novella “Sixth of the Dusk,” which you can find in the “The Making of Sixth of the Dusk” section of the Writing Excuses Anthology, Shadows Beneath, now available, which I talked about last week. The critique of my story will continue in next week’s episode, and then we’ll move on to critiquing Mary’s and Howard’s drafts of their stories.

My assistant Peter has uploaded another Twitter posts archive for June.

Playing a bit of catch-up, here are some interviews I did for BYU Radio back in March that I don’t think I ever posted. One, two.

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned that the jewelry section of the store now has the Bondsmith glyph and the Oathbringer shardblade pendant. There’s lots of other cool jewelry from Mistborn and Elantris, so check it out. Also, shirts are on sale.

There are a couple of recent awards that books have picked up. The Association of Mormon Letters (AML) has presented the Award for Young Adult Speculative Fiction for 2013 to The Rithmatist. Also, Steelheart won the Whitney Award for Best Youth Novel of 2013. I’m honored.

Speaking of Steelheart, the German version has been released in Germany. Also, this:

This lovely photo is the work of Ta’veren Tees and fans of the JordanCon persuasion.

And here’s a great piece of Jasnah Kholin fanart by Mandy/exmakina on Tumblr.

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