Signing near Idaho Falls this weekend + Updates

Adam here. I have some exciting news for those of you in driving distance of Idaho Falls, Idaho. This Saturday Brandon will be appearing at Iona Days just a few miles away. You can see his full schedule below, as well as on his Upcoming Events page, but it will include a reading, Q&A, and signing. Those who come to the reading will be given wristbands that will give them priority position in the signing that immediately follows the Q&A.

The Grand Teton Mall Barnes & Noble will also be on site, so if you’re looking for a book—including the leather bound editions of Elantris, Mistborn: The Final Empire, and The Well of Ascension—you can find them there. They are also (generously) donating 15% of their net sales to Brandon’s Lightweaver Foundation (more on this in a minute); donations that will be matched by Brandon.

If you’re not able to attend and still want to buy some books (not just Brandon’s) while supporting charity, you can use these vouchers in any B&N store on July 21st and 22nd. They will also be active for any B&N online purchases through July 27th. Some exclusions apply. Please see vouchers below for details.

Iona Days

Location: Iona Square on Main Street (park near the Iona City Building)
Reading and Q&A: 2:00 p.m.
Signing: 3:00 p.m.

In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, What Writers Get Wrong, with Wildstyle, Brandon, Mary, Dan, and Howard talk with special guest Wildstyle. Recorded live at GenCon Indy 2017.

Last week, in’s continuing reread of Oathbringer, Shallan, as Veil, confronted the Midnight Mother in the depths of Urithiru. This week, in chapters thirty-one and thirty-two, Kaladin, near Revolar, upon seeing a group of human’s unprepared for an oncoming Highstorm somehow uses Windspren to create a windbreak that allows them get to safety.

The Twitter Archive for June is up to date.

I found this week’s featured cosplay of a Steel Inquisitor, by EHyde, on Brandon’s official fansite She wrote a little post if you want to know more about it.

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