Shadows of Self Chapter Six Preview + Updates has put up chapter 6 of Shadows of Self. This newest Mistborn book, the sequel to The Alloy of Law, comes out in print, ebook, and audio next week. (Though in the UK, as we recently learned, the official print release date is October 15th, even though the UK ebook and audio release date is October 8th. It’s confusing, I know.)

This week’s new Writing Excuses episode is a Q&A on Plot Twists where we are joined by Kevin J. Anderson at Sasquan/WorldCon 73 to take questions about plot twists. Here are the questions that came in from our live audience:

  • Genre Twists: good, bad, or ugly?
  • Can you compare and contrast a good plot twist with a bad one?
  • What is the biggest mistake professional authors make with regarding plot twists?

Last week, in’s continuing reread posts for Words of Radiance, a date went in various unexpected directions. This week, in Chapter 56, Adolin goes forth to fight a duel that was supposed to be spectacular, but turns out to be a very different spectacle than he’d planned.

My assistant Adam has updated the Twitter post archive for September.

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