Newsletter + Tweets October 28-November 4

Brandon’s assistant Peter here while Brandon is out on tour. Um, TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT has been released! I sent out a newsletter about that and a few other things yesterday. I also talk about the deadline for ordering stuff from Brandon’s store in time for Christmas delivery. You can read it here. If you want to be added to the mailing list, use this link. Also give your city & state if you want email reminders when Brandon is signing near you.

There’s also a new Writing Excuses episode on character arcs and a bonus episode entitled “Voting in the Service of a Dark God.” And there are Warbreaker annotations on Lightsong starting his investigation and Siri’s growing relationship with Susebron. Now the Twitter updates for the past week.

Llauron Mon Oct 25
@BrandSanderson what is the release date for ToM?

BrandSanderson Thu Oct 28
@Llauron November 2nd. 🙂

skatter Wed Oct 27
@BrandSanderson Can’t wait for it! Just got a friend to read the trilogy, and you now have another fan! Any word on eBook of ToM?

BrandSanderson Thu Oct 28
@skatter Still working on it. No word yet.

shnar Wed Oct 27
@BrandSanderson so it’s a Mistborn* scifi* novella? When do I get to proofread it 😀

BrandSanderson Thu Oct 28
@shnar More like Mistborn Edwardian than Mistborn sf.

BrandSanderson Fri Oct 29
The BYU Bookstore reported that the first fan has arrived to wait in line for the release of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT.

BrandSanderson Fri Oct 29
Someone literally did a motorcycle jump over a large, sentient shark at role playing tonight. Did this game just Jump the Shark?

Corlan_Dashiva Sat Oct 30
@BrandSanderson Doing #NaNo this year?

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
@Corlan_Dashiva Probably will, actually. Might do a writing excuses update next week about it.

liathiano Sat Oct 30
@audible_com @BrandSanderson I would love to know the meaning behind #HeWhoSoars !

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
@liathiano Read Towers of Midnight and you’ll see. 🙂

TodfromPa Sat Oct 30
@BrandSanderson Loved way of Kings. Audible’d it and only took about 3 weeks which is real quick considering I do mostly in car. Awesome!

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
@TodfromPa Thank you very much!

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
Here’s another cool Mistborn themed costume, this one from @damenleeturks: (He’s an obligator.)

jasonmanheim Fri Oct 29
@BrandSanderson I need suggestions for something as epic as The Way of Kings, to hold me until the next (aside from WoT).

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
@jasonmanheim Hm . . . Do you like SF? A Fire Upon the Deep is pretty epic and pretty darn good.

TDRup Fri Oct 29
@BrandSanderson Bought an autog WoK thru u for my bro. It’s mis-binded . . . missing 30 pgs. Any suggest? Don’t want to return a signed book

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
@TDRup Blarg. Drop us an email, and we’ll email you the missing pages. Or you can return it, and we’ll get you another signed one.

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
@TDRup In either case, give us an email through my website so my assistant can flag it and make sure you’re taken care of.

Virtuhall Fri Oct 29
@BrandSanderson So now after finishing ToM Knowing that Perrin was on of your fav char is that still the case after this book? spoiler free

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
@Virtuhall Yes.

damenleeturks Fri Oct 29
.@BrandSanderson Any tips for making Steel Ministry tattoos? Does intricate = straight or curved? scratches or flames? #Halloween #Mistborn

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
@damenleeturks Sorry I didn’t get back to you quickly. I left them vague on purpose, to allow imagination.

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
@damenleeturks The design we usually go with is more like a tribal tatoo, though, with lots of lines and pieces that fit together.

ReneeRBA Fri Oct 29
@audible_com Just got @BrandSanderson’s The Way of Kings, & am about to begin the loooong (45hrs 37 min) journey. d it! #Fridaylistens

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
@ReneeRBA Hope you enjoy the journey. It is, indeed, a long one . . . 🙂

doryface Fri Oct 29
@BrandSanderson I’ve read all your books too many times; I’m afraid I’ll need some new ones soon. 😛

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
@doryface Writing as fast as I can. 🙂 (But if you want some of my older, unpublished books to read, send an email through my website.)

JohnMichalak Fri Oct 29
@BrandSanderson Just finished TGS & was deeply impressed. You upheld the RJ mantle & added the “what a fan would want” element. Superb! 🙂

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
@JohnMichalak Thank you kindly!

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
At the Provo Teen Book Fest. Open to the public. Provo library. I have a panel with Brandon Mull at 1:00. Signing from 2-4.

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
It’s free. Will do live writing excuses at 4:00 with Scott Westerfeld. At signing, I’ll have a copy of Towers of Midnight for browsing. 🙂

BrandSanderson Sat Oct 30
A shot of the proud, possibly insane, folks camping out for Towers of Midnight.

BrandSanderson Mon Nov 01
Doing an email interview in the wee hours here. Need to stay up pretty late tonight so I’ll be ready for the midnight release.

BrandSanderson Mon Nov 01
THE HERO OF AGES Kindle version has been unavailable in Canada due to an error that has now been fixed. It should go live fairly soon.

BrandSanderson Mon Nov 01
Ebook readers, I have some news for you. I sent a letter to Harriet on your behalf, asking if we could move the ebook of TofM up.

BrandSanderson Mon Nov 01
She said yes, though for various reasons, she still wants some delay. It will now come out in February. 3-month delay instead of 12.

BrandSanderson Mon Nov 01
I realize that many of you will still find this late, but the choice is Harriet’s, and I support her in it. At least it’s coming sooner now.

BrandSanderson Tue Nov 02
Yes, I’ll be doing Nanowrimo. Going to be tough going, though, with the tour. I’ll post updates. Gotta finish the Mistborn story first.

BrandSanderson Tue Nov 02
On my way to pre-sign copies of Towers of Midnight for the release party in a few hours.

BrandSanderson Tue Nov 02
Okay, we will do a reading at 10:30 along with a Q&A. Come on over if you want to hear them. I believe it is live cast at Dragonmount.

BrandSanderson Tue Nov 02
Getting ready for the reading. But, as usual, @theoryland won’t give up the stage. 🙂 Dragonmount main page if you want to watch.

BrandSanderson Tue Nov 02
And off to the airport. Sacramento, here I come!

BrandSanderson Tue Nov 02
The simply books in the Salt Lake airport has signed TofM and signed TGS paperbacks. Sticker hidden in one TofM. (No codes this tour. Sorry)

BrandSanderson Wed Nov 03
Now in the back room of the bookstore hanging with Jason D. If you live near Sacramento, come see Harriet and me.

BrandSanderson Wed Nov 03
Signing tonight was awesome. LOTS of people. And now I am very tired. Have to get up in five hours for my next flight. Um . . . yay? 😉

BrandSanderson Wed Nov 03
Off we go. Left 10 signed tWoK at the Sacramento B&N last night in case you want one. No TofM. We sold out.

BrandSanderson Wed Nov 03
Signings so far this year have been huge. If you come to one, feel free to listen to the Reading and Q&A, then go get dinner & come back. 🙂

BrandSanderson Wed Nov 03
I’ll stay until all books are signed, even if we have to move to the parking lot. Harriet, however, may need to leave at 9:0p sometimes.

BrandSanderson Wed Nov 03
She’s not as young as she once was, and these signings go long. (5.5 hours last night) If you want to be sure to get to harriet, come early.

BrandSanderson Wed Nov 03
Update for people who ordered from @SamWellers: They started shipping 9 days ago but it takes time to package 700 books. Finishing today.

BrandSanderson Wed Nov 03
International orders from @SamWellers were shipped first since those take the longest to arrive. Hang in there; your book will come.

BrandSanderson Wed Nov 03
Signing in a half hour here in Cincinnati. Should have a reading and Q&A too.

BrandSanderson Thu Nov 04
Now, back to Texas, where they claimed they would shoot me if I didn’t come back on tour this year. 🙂

BrandSanderson Thu Nov 04
If you are flying through Cincinnati, the Borders by the B gates is the place to go. Signed TofM, TGS and Twok hardcovers and all paperbacks

BrandSanderson Thu Nov 04
Passing through Dallas? Hudson Booksellers by gate E13. Signed TofM hb; Tgs and warbrker pbs. No bookseller around, so I Brandalized.

BrandSanderson Thu Nov 04
Signing tonight in Dallas is at the Borders at Preston and Royal Lane. 7:00. See you there!

BrandSanderson Thu Nov 04
Want a signed copy of TofM or KINGS shipped to you? Call Joseph-Beth booksellers 513-396-8960 I think their copies are signed by Harriet too

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