My almost quarterly newsletter is being sent out tomorrow; you can see past ones here. It will have an exclusive preview of one of my future books, so if you’re not on the list, now is a good time to sign up. If you fill in the “Metro Areas” field in the signup form, I will also send you an email when I’m appearing at an event in or close to those areas.

Steelheart was selected by the 2014–15 Georgia Peach Book Awards as an honor book. Thank you to everyone who voted to make that possible!

In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, Where is My Story Going?, we look at the middle of stories. You know that big long section between the beginning and the end where almost everything happens? We talk about how to use formulaic structures to help you get them to do all of the things that you need them to do without the story feeling formulaic.

Last week, in’s continuing reread posts for Words of Radiance, Alice Arneson dived deep into the mechanics of not being dead anymore. This week, in Chapter 34, Carl Engle-Laird watches a ship sink in a storm made of Shardblades and people being jerks.

My assistant Adam has updated the Twitter posts archive for March.

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