Lux Is Out This Week + W&W 4 Update

Hey, guys, Weekly Update time. This is going to be a bit of an outlier of a week. While you’re getting this update, I am flying home from Atlanta where I was at JordanCon. Hopefully, I had a wonderful time chatting with my friends at JordanCon. I’m going to assume that I did. Producer Adam is coming along and he’s going to record my panels, so we should be able to put those on the channel here. If you can’t go to JordanCon, and it’s sold out so I assume many of you can’t, then you’ll be able to at least see my part in it on this channel in some upcoming weeks.

That is going to, though, have slowed me down a little bit for this week’s progress. You should see the progress bar go up. I think I’m going to hit 75% tonight. But then that’s the end of my writing for this week because tomorrow, being Thursday, I will fly out, and then Friday, Saturday, I will be at the con, and Monday I’ll be flying home. I probably will be able to write on Monday. But I also had to take a day and do some movie stuff on Monday. It was half the day I was doing movie things, which is exciting, but I can’t tell you about it yet, so I apologize for that. And then I also had some outlining to do on the last section of Wax and Wayne.

This is all a big, rambling way to say we’re probably going to get fewer words this week. You’re probably going to see the percentage bar go up by a couple of points. And then I will come home for the final push to finish it. And so we’ll be able to follow that. I’ll be starting that this week.

But the other big announcement for this week is we have a new Reckoners novel. It is only in audio right now. It is coming out on Thursday. I am going to do a live stream with my co-author Steven, and it is going to be, I hope, a lot of fun. I hope you guys will check out the new novel, Lux, A Reckoners Novel. And it is kind of the next evolution of where I want to take the Reckoners series. I hope you guys will look into that. We will have a lot more material about it this week. You can actually find the first chapters released on this channel. You can listen to them and see if it’s something for you. There will be a print and eBook edition eventually, as I’ve been saying. But Audible’s the one that supported this and made it happen and so it has an exclusivity period in audiobook. So your first year or so you’ll only be able to pick it up that way. I hope that many of you will give it a listen.

And otherwise, I am going to go off to JordanCon and have a lot of fun talking about The Wheel of Time series. And I will be back next week with another Weekly Update for you guys.

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