Live From Tampa! + Weekly Update

Hey! Brandon here with your Weekly Update. I know I said I wouldn’t have one this week, but they decided we could do one at my booth at Tampa Comics Convention. Woo!

AUDIENCE: (cheering)

BRANDON: You might be able to see there’s a Rock and a Mistborn in the background. So, thumbs up there.

So, first things first, updates on the books. We are at, Bing! 62% on Stormlight 5. Had a nice writing session on the flight here. Kind of kept us going right at our about 8,000 words a week. So, it is moving along. Skyward Legacy is at, Bing! 34%.

A few quick things for you. We have our own convention, Dragonsteel 2023, November 20 and 21 in Salt Lake City. Our hotels are selling out. So, if you want one of the cheap, discounted hotels, now would be the time to maybe consider booking your ticket.

Updates on the Kickstarter and things. We have finished shipping completely Secret Project 3. So, you should have gotten your email about Secret Project 3. Yes, thank you to this team over here.

So, if you haven’t, for some reason, received your email saying yours is coming, well, check in your spam folders and then email these people, and they will figure out what’s going on.

And so that means that we have moved on to the Cosmere box, an item from which I am using at this convention right now. So, I’ll not tell you, but I am enjoying the item from the Cosmere box that is very fancy and nice. So that is going out right now.

We have a bunch of weekly deals on our books. For instance, Sunreach in the UK is a Kindle Monthly Deal for August. There’s more. Those are linked down below. So, if you want to get one of my books cheap, you can go see which ones.

Final thing we have is our podcast winners. The winners of the dumb thing we’re doing, not the actual winners of any books or anything that is more exciting. Unsurprisingly, The Gnocchi Brothers Gnocchi Gnocchi Brothers Gnocchi Restaurant has defeated Tailgating Something Nefarious, 86% to 14%. If you have no idea what this is, you’re just like, “What?” These are Dan’s food heists. We’re having a bracket. It’s a thing. So bad story ideas, Weekend at Vader’s with an Actual Zombie beat Jungle Book but with Dragons in Middle School, 83% to 17%. So, the people have spoken. Our seeds were correct on those ones. Join us on the podcast. If you have no idea what I’m talking about here, I’m very sorry. It’s very silly and kind of ridiculous.

So anyway, thank you all, and I will be back next week in the normal place with a Weekly Update.

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