Limited Hoid Boxes For Sale + Weekly Update

Hey, Weekly Update time! I’m wearing my Hoid shirt from the Hoid box. That will be relevant
in just a minute. But first, Bing! I am at 29% on Stormlight. I had a good week of writing. I also managed to sneak in a quick revision on Secret Project #4, which means I am up to date on all of those. They have all been turned in, and they are all ready to go to press.
We’ve had some minor difficulties getting the print books for you. I updated a little bit on Reddit, and maybe Isaac will come by in a future Weekly Update to explain. The main problem is we put a lot of cool foil on the cover of Tress and the printer is having trouble running them as fast as they thought they would because they’re having to run them through the machines multiple times. So we are looking at what we can do to make sure that doesn’t happen to our future
books, and we think we have some solutions. So anyway, I will let Isaac come and tell you that because I’m actually going to be on vacation for a few weeks. I am going to Hawaii with my family. And so the Weekly Update next week will probably be done by someone else in the company. Either Adam will come, or Isaac will come, or Peter, or somebody. They’ll figure it out. So you’ll have two weeks. And I will send them my percentages. And so it might be nice if Isaac came in and kind of explained some stuff with the bindery. But we are working on fixes and they are promising us they are still running them. They are just going slowly because they have to run them through the same presses multiple times to get all the foiling.
What else do we have going on? Well, Rhythm of War will be in a Kindle Big Deal this February. That is capitalized, Kindle Big Deal, so I assume that’s a type of promotion they do. The eBook edition will be on sale for a reduced price of $4.99, five bucks, from the 20-26th. I guess it’s called Big Deal because normally they have, like, Daily Deal. So this is a Weekly Deal. I guess that’s why they’re calling it that. So a week to grab Rhythm of War. Whenever these things come through and they offer to sell for a discount, I always say yes because I always think it’s nice to have the books up there for you guys to get them just a little more economically.
One update from the store that I prepared you for, the Hoid box. The Hoid box has been sent out. That was our February box. All people who backed the Kickstarter, who selected getting that reward, should have gotten their boxes by now. Because of that, we have some extra boxes that we are going to sell because we over-ordered so that we could make sure, just in case some were damaged or people didn’t get them, that we had replacements. So now that we know we have extras, we’re going to be selling them. They’ll be up on tomorrow at 10:00 AM Mountain Standard Time. So if you want the Hoid box, and you didn’t get it, and want to have a Hoid for President t-shirt, along with some other cool things.
I’ll be back next week, and then it’ll be two weeks after that. So one more week of me, and then get excited about guest stars for a couple of weeks.