Join Us At Dragonsteel 2022 + Weekly Update

Hey! Brandon here with your Weekly Update. First off, you’re here for Stormlight 5, which is,
Bing! At 18%, slowly moving up. We are inching along. I had a pretty decent week doing SandoWriMo.
This is National Novel Writing Month, and I am posting my word counts every week on my subreddit r/Sanderson. So you can come by and post your word counts, things like that, see how I’m doing. I usually post on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
So we’ve got some big things for you this week. Number one, The Lost Metal, Wax and Wayne Book 4, is out tomorrow. You guys are excited for this book. I can tell because I got the preorder numbers today, and it is up 350% compared to the last Wax and Wayne book. So we’re pretty excited by that. Thank you, guys, for supporting the book. It will be live tomorrow, probably tonight, in eBook and audiobook, at like midnight. So if you somehow are watching this channel and didn’t know I have a book out
tomorrow—book out tomorrow!
We also have, in conjunction with that book out, we have a convention going on right now. Dragonsteel Expo 2022 is happening right now at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake. There should be some badges at the door. We have 400 left. So good. We added an extra couple thousand, and it looks like we’ve sold out a bunch of those. But we still have a few left at the door. And if you can’t make it, here are a couple of things that we’ve got coming up that you can do. Tonight. Tonight we have a charity Magic draft happening at my convention. We are going to livestream my games of that. And we are going to do something fun for you on that. We still want to work out a way, not 100% guaranteed, but my goal is that you’ll be able to steal cards from my deck and have them mailed to you. So we’re going to do something fun like that. Either way, even if we can’t do that, we’ll be streaming it and I’ll be playing against fans. It’ll be a lot of fun. So you can show up and watch me play Magic, if that’s your game. And even if you don’t, you can watch me perhaps be humiliated by fans as other people steal my cards out of
my deck so that I don’t have anything left to play.
Speaking of charity, last thing for you today, my charity, Lightweaver, does a holiday ornament
supporting Primary Children’s Hospital, one of our favorite local charities. And you can buy these one of two ways. They will be on sale at Dragonsteel this year, in person. You can go check them out, see how they look, pick up one. That’s your first chance. Sometime around Thanksgiving, we will post how the rest of you can get them from around the world. And so look for an update around then how you can get your holiday ornament, your Brandon Sanderson-themed holiday ornament.
That’s what I’ve got for you this week. Kind of a big week. Next week will probably be a boring update, at least hopefully. Hopefully, it will be an exciting update about how well everything went, but it will hopefully also be a boring exciting update. Either way, I’ll see you next week, and hopefully many of you at the convention.