Brandon here with your Weekly Update. Secret Project 4 final draft, Bing! is done. I actually finished that mid-last week a few days ahead of schedule. So I’m feeling pretty good about that one. That means that all of the secret projects are now a wrap. I have done all of my drafting, all of my revising, and we are just hoping that the books come in in time. We are in very close touch with our printers. Supply chains are pretty weird these days. But regardless, on the 1st of January, those who backed the Kickstarter, you’ll be getting your eBook and audiobook, if you ordered one, delivered to you and hopefully very soon thereafter the print books. I’m very excited for these. I think you guys are going to love each of them. I had a blast doing this revision on the last one.
We are going to be doing a Halloween stream today. Tonight at 7pm MDT we are we’ll be doing a Halloween stream. I will be in costume. Adam will be in costume. We haven’t decided 100% on all the things we’ll be doing but hopefully, there’ll be some fan mail. I have been sent some special treats for me to open. Adam doesn’t even know what these are. He’s shaking his head. But I know what they are. I’ll tell him about it in a minute. It’s going to be really fun.
Speaking of Livestreams, in December, just kind of, you know, keep in mind, in December is when we do our spoiler stream. We do one of these in December, and one of these in June. So the stream today is not a spoiler stream. This is a fun, really relaxed Halloween stream in costume. Generally, we are a little sillier and a little more relaxed on these streams. The spoiler stream in December will be very serious about our very detailed Cosmere lore questions. So save those up for then.
Two other little announcements we have for you. We have restocked our unsigned Hero Of Ages Leatherbounds. So anyone who added a copy in BackerKit during the Kickstarter should soon receive an email that it’s shipped to you. Leftovers are going to be put in our store once we’ve got the shipping of Backer add-ons done. So very soon we should have Hero Of Ages Leatherbounds up for sale. We don’t know yet when The Well of Ascension will arrive. Again, supply chains these days are in mass chaos, and getting books printed is kind of a roll of the dice when they arrive sometimes. Not because anyone is doing anything poorly it’s just, you know, our printer reps are fantastic but they don’t know when cover material will arrive. That’s what we’re waiting on for the secret projects right now. Everything is printed and ready but the material that you make the covers out of is back-ordered and might be coming hopefully at the end of this month sometime. So anyway, we’ll keep you up to date on that.
The Lost Metal preview chapters are still on, chapter 14. Join the discussion on r/Mistborn. They’re doing a cool thread on each of these chapters over on Reddit. Otherwise, I will be back next week for another Weekly Update.
I should mention, I guess, this isn’t on my list but I should mention, we’ll be doing SandoWriMo starting tomorrow. What is SandoWriMo? Well, November is National Novel Writing Month, and last year we had fun posting my word counts. We’re going to be doing that again. We will post my daily word counts on r/Sanderson. I warn you, I am only able to consistently write three days a week. So you’ll see updates from me on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesdays most regularly, sometimes an extra one on Friday depending on how things are going. And you’ll just be able to kind of pace yourself against me as your, “pace car,” a somewhat fast-paced car but nonetheless, see if you can beat me. It’s not as hard as you would think. So if you’ve been wanting to write that story of yours, starting tomorrow’s a good day to do it. And we’ll be posting some updates as we go along through the month. My goal is to get to 100,000 words by January 1st, hopefully, 50,000 of that in November and another couple, you know, 10 or 20 or 30,000 come December. So anyway, we will give you an update next week on how that’s going.

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