Firefight release tomorrow! Early Utah release today, new Writing Excuses season + Updates

Firefight comes out Tuesday in the US and Canada (and it comes out on Thursday in the UK, but some stores there already have it on shelves). I’ll say more about the book tomorrow, but you can see my full tour schedule here.

The first event is this evening’s appearance at the Jordan Landing Barnes & Noble in West Jordan. I’ll be there at 6:00 p.m. today to do a reading (probably of an unreleased book) and Q&A, followed by a signing. Every copy of Firefight I sign tonight (and tomorrow in Seattle) will also receive a number. Barnes & Noble started handing out wristbands this morning and it looks like demand will be high, so if you want to make sure you get a copy, you might consider going down there earlier in the day to get your wristband.

I hope to see many of you there tonight, and many more of you throughout the month as I tour the US!

Writing Excuses, the writing advice audio show I do with Mary Robinette Kowal, Howard Tayler, and Dan Wells has started a new season! Each month this year will focus on a specific aspect of the writing process. If you’re new to Writing Excuses, this is where to start! If you’ve been listening for years, don’t worry—this isn’t a return to the 101-level stuff. In January we’ll cover the very beginning: coming up with cool ideas and wrapping them up into something that we can turn into a story. So for this first episode we answer the dreaded “where do you get your ideas” question quite seriously.

Finally, my assistants have updated the Twitter posts archive for December and started the archive for January.

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