Creative Writing Class Lectures + Updates

I arrived home from Australia yesterday to find that yet another surprise home makeover had taken place. (The previous one was after my New York Comic-Con trip.)

In this week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode, Larry Correia joins Mary, Howard, Dan, and me in front of a live audience at Life, the Universe & Everything to talk about guns in fiction. If you don’t know much about guns and want to use them in your writing, give it a listen.

While I was in Australia, I did an interview for ABC Radio. You can find it here. My assistant has also uploaded a new Twitter posts archive.

The most recent ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotation covers chapter ten, where I torture the reader some more by interrupting cliffhangers.

One of my students has started releasing my creative writing class lectures from this year online. Eventually you’ll be able to find them all on this page.

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Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Ten
Apr 23, 2012
Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Ten Are you annoyed with me yet? This beginning is exactly what...
Mary Robinette Kowal Signing in SLC Tonight
Apr 25, 2012
Mary Robinette Kowal Signing in SLC Tonight Just a quick note that my good friend...