Cosmere Box On Sale + Stormlight Milestone!

Brandon peeking at the words above his head: Cosmere Box for sale. Weekly update!

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Brandon here with your Weekly Update.

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All right.

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Big news.

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Here it is.

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Stormlight 5

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Is 75%.


I assume that Taylor’s going to add some cool graphic to that. We have hit the three-quarter mark, and I have stopped to do revisions, as I said. Take a couple weeks on these revisions so that we can get the beta readers working on another section of the book. So, yeah. Yay! I have to finish the book by December 15, so I’m hoping to get back to it. I’ll have October, November, part of December, and maybe a little bit more of September to work on it, and we’ll be pushing for the end.

Skyward Legacy is at, Bing! 35%. Janci is making a little bit of progress there. So, excellent.

Let’s see. What do we got? Some cool updates for you today. You may notice that we have Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. We have the TOR edition right here. I really love how this cover turned out. This is by Tran, and her art is amazing. I was really excited that we were able to get this. And I hope that you guys will enjoy grabbing this book. We also, I believe, are having the same cover on the UK edition for this one because it has that kind of nice white spine that works with what we’re doing in the UK. Their edition is, they’ve got a special Waterstones edition with blue edges with rose designs on it. I love when books do this. I think it looks really great. So, the Waterstones special edition, go and support Waterstones. They have been doing some good stuff with my books.

The Cosmere box from the Year of Sanderson is now available for purchase on So, go and grab that. The Cosmere box is the world-hopper box, and it has one of my favorite things, a really nice Dopp kit that you will enjoy traveling with wherever you may go. So, you can go pick that one up. I suspect these ones will sell out, so you may want to go quickly and get one.

The convention schedule is available this week So, watch when that announcement comes. You’ll be able to check out all the awesome events that we’re doing, including, I’ve been told, a full room dedicated to open crafting. So, our merch page you can order craft kits for pick up, and you can put them together at the con. But yes, a just crafting room for all the people who are crafty.

All right. all right. My son Oliver did fan art for Doomslug. And he asked me if I’d show it on my channel. So, we showed it on the livestream last week, but I wanted you all to appreciate my 10-year-old son’s picture of Doomslug. This is the first fan art that one of my children has done for me, and he’s very, very proud of his Doomslug picture. So, congratulations to Oliver on his awesome Doomslug. And it has now been seen for everyone to love.

Last thing is our podcast Week 13 winners. So, here we are, pushing toward the ending. Our food heist, at 77%, is Do Not Steal the King’s Potatoes. This has been the little food heist that could. It was our 12th seed, and it has defeated the Gator Gourmands at 23%. I’m not terribly surprised by either of these victories. These are going to make pretty decent t-shirts. In fact, I think they’re going to be among the best t-shirts, this one.

And our bad story idea at 86%, a very commanding victory over Jack the Carjacking Car, Titanic 2: Sink Harder has been the victory in the bad story ideas. We are very close to our ending. We’re basically going to be doing the finals. Right? Is that where we are? So, your next votes coming up will be on the finals for what’s going on. So exciting times, exciting times. Join us on Intentionally Blank if you are very confused by what’s going on here. You’ll be slightly less confused, maybe not completely unconfused.

But hey, I’ll be back next week with another Weekly Update, and thank you all, as always, for watching.

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