Convention Registration is Live! + Weekly Update

Weekly Update title thumbnail with the words convention registration is live! Below the words, a Bald Brandon is staring at his head wondering where all his hair went

Hey! Welcome to the Weekly Update. If you are curious what happened to my hair, well, we might have a video coming up for you in about a month. So watch for that. It’s quite fun.

Otherwise, time for some updates. Stormlight 5 is, Bing! 52% Moving just along at the speed I want to be moving at. Everything is going very well. Skyward Legacy is, Bing! Still at 25%.

So some really exciting news for you. Item number one of really exciting news. The convention registration is open, and the merch is live. So go get your badge. Go register for the convention. Pick up your merch for the convention. It is all ready to go and you can go register.

Now, Kickstarter update. We have everything ready for Secret Project 3. In fact, it’s right here. We have been shipped all 150,000 copies. We have them in the warehouse. This means, for the first time, Secret Project 3 will have no delays. We are very excited to tell you this. Now, we can’t ship it out quite yet even though we have it because we are constantly getting shipments of Secret Project 2 and we are shipping those out. If those shipments remain steady, we will have them all out by the end of June. We can’t promise that, obviously, because it’s outside of our control whether they come in. But we have been getting steady shipments. We’re at almost a third of those shipped out. And we are working very hard on the Sel box, which is our June box. So theoretically, the team is going to be packing all three of these together in the next month and shipping them all out. So yes, Kellyn is grinning back there in kind of a wide-eyed grin. We have asked for a little bit of extra help, so we should have enough people, theoretically, to get this done. And so you can expect a lot of boxes to be going out in the next few weeks.

And, like I said, if you want to know what’s going on here, in July, we’ll have a video ready for you. Until then, well, until next week. I’ll be back with another Weekly Update.

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