Brandon’s Back! + Weekly Update

Hi! I’m back. I came back and it was 28 degrees, and there was a foot of snow on my car in
the parking lot at the airport. So I don’t know how long I’ll say but I am back from Hawaii. Thank you all for tuning in to see Isaac give you some updating last week.
And I have a cool update for you on Stormlight 5. I am, Bing! 33% of the way done. What does that 33% mean? Well, it means that I have finished the first major plot arch I was planning to write, and I am at about 150,000 words. Is that actually a third? Time will tell. But it feels like roughly a third of the book.
So I have written up a little blog post to post on Reddit. I have not done it yet because I have been a little bit behind since I got back from Hawaii yesterday. But otherwise, we have done a cover reveal for the US cover of Defiant.
We did manage to start shipping out everyone their second box for the Year of Sanderson. So you should have gotten that or should be getting it very, very soon. We are still working on getting the first box out. Many apologies. You can watch Isaac’s update last week for more explanations on that. Otherwise, I will be back next week. Theoretically, I will not have fled to warmer shores but will be here with you for the foreseeable future. Thank you, guys, as always.