A First Look at Tress of the Emerald Sea + Weekly Update

Hey, everybody. Brandon here with—hot off the presses—the first copy of Secret Project 1, Tress of the Emerald Sea. This has been sent to us overnight super-fast so that we would have one to show off but the rest of them are on their way. They are in the truck now. They should be arriving, if they haven’t arrived already, very soon. The warehouse wanted me to let you know that they are going to be posting on their page showing off the books when they arrive and shipping them out. So we finally have these, and they are absolutely gorgeous. I think you’re going to love looking through them, seeing all the art. They’ve gone through a two-tone printing process. There’s a lot of color we’ve been able to intersperse throughout. But of course, it also does have these gorgeous, full-color inserts. If you ordered one of these, they’re coming.
The rest of you can still get them. These gorgeous Dragonsteel editions are for sale in a book bundle that we’re selling. We won’t ship these to you until they go out to all the backers. They get them first. But we did order enough that we can sell some to other people. And if there’s enough interest, we will probably keep reprinting them. So if you want one, we are selling them in various bundles. You can buy just the book, or you can buy the book, and the eBook, and the audiobook all together. That audiobook comes as a Spotify code. There’s been a little bit of confusion on the Spotify codes. They do work worldwide. Even in places where Spotify doesn’t sell audiobooks yet, you can still get the audiobook with our code. So, if you’re really feeling like you missed out on this gorgeous volume, you can still get ahold of them.
Now, these are a little bit expensive. TOR and Gollancz, my publishers, will be releasing wide market editions. They will be coming out in April. So if you look at this and you’re like, “Ugh, I love it, Brandon, but that’s a bit pricey for me.” We’re selling these at $55 for the book and $70 for the book, the eBook, and the audiobook, there will be a more economical version coming, and then of course paperbacks some time in the future, which will be even more economical. But of course, the eBook’s only $10, and the audiobook only $15.
So if you’re wanting to pick this up, I would point you toward it, or point you toward the Goodreads reviews. It turns out that people are very much enjoying this book. We’ve had a fantastic response to it. It might be my second best-reviewed book. It’s up there in the top five. I think it is right behind Words of Radiance It is definitely the best-reviewed non-Stormlight book I’ve ever written. So I’m probably preaching to the choir here, but I thought I would point you that direction in case you’re interested.
So what else have we got going on? I have been working my way through Defiant, the final book of the Skyward series. It is at, Bing! 66%. I have one more week to finish it and I’ve done about a third each of the three weeks, or the two weeks so far I’ve been able to work on it. I am expecting that I’ll be able to finish that on time. So I feel very, very good about that.
A couple other little updates for you. The Brotherwise minis campaign, if you’re interested in that, they have kept it open, even if you missed the actual campaign, on BackerKit, where you could preorder it. The last day for that is January 28th. So if you want to get in on this and you missed it, this is your last chance.
The Hoid boxes should all have gone out. This is the box for February that we’re shipping out early because Tress had a little bit of supply chain issues. You should be getting your box very soon, if you haven’t gotten it already! I’m very excited for you to get those.