Skyward 3 Has a Title. But I Can’t Tell You Yet

Hey, Brandon here. Weekly Update. I am still working on Skyward book 3, which we just named. But I can’t tell you what the name is yet because the publisher wants to do publicity. It’s not going to be Nowhere. I’d warned you guys for a while that I thought that the publisher would change it, and indeed they had a bunch of suggestions and some of them were pretty good. So you will expect eventually a title drop of Skyward 3 coming.

I am right about the three-quarter mark on the 4.0 draft. And I’ll be perfectly honest. Kind of getting tired of doing revisions. This is not my favorite part of the process, but it’s almost done. I have to do this one, and then do one more draft, which is the final polish, where generally I try to cut about 10% off the book during the final polish. And so that needs to be turned in by April 1st. No jokes.

And so now the question is, can Brandon keep going on this and not get distracted by something else shiny. And this is what I’ve had to train myself to do over the years, is to keep at it. Those last few revisions on a book, by then I’m like, “Man, I’ve read this thing five times in a row now.” But I will get through that. We will keep you up to date.

And then hopefully April 1st, maybe we’ll post it not on April 1st, whatever that week is, I hope to be able to tell you that I’ve started on Wax and Wayne.

And so there you go. Thumbs up for that. Thank you, guys, as always, for reading.

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